Register for Online Training


  • Trained MPOWRD facilitators must represent professionals who are certified staff and approved within the jurisdiction of the youth facility.  Counselors, social workers and school psychologists are frequently awarded this position.


MPOWRD leadership meetings must be facilitated by certified staff trained through the MPOWRD training program preferably those with a background in counseling, social work, health, or psychology.  It is recommended that site locations have at least two adults trained as facilitators.


School meetings will be most effective if they are run during the school day during alternating periods.

MPOWRD meetings (8-10 students) will give facilitators a chance to:

Take note of teens in crisis who need additional support

Teach students boundaries in terms of boundaries within personal disclosure

Utilize meetings as an option for suspension

Provide an optimal safety network for teens on campus

Instill leadership and empowerment skills for teens meeting life challenges

Teens will eventually run the entire meeting with trained facilitators being present both as mentors and to ensure that the guidelines and format are being followed.

I have never seen anything as powerful as the MPOWRD approach to assisting youth to make better choices for their lives in such a short time. 
– Debi Neat, Safe and Drug Free School Trainer, Phoenix Union High School District


The online training program offers a comprehensive approach for individuals planning to offer MPOWRD meetings within their facilities. Redefining personal empowerment, developing unconditional support, creating new strategies in teen empowerment, defining confidentiality factors, working through trust issues, and ultimately teaching teens to be “present” for each other, are several of the key components which will be emphasized during the breakout sessions.