Student Performance
In addition to the Teen AA (MPOWRD) survey, a matched paired t-test will be used to evaluate growth in the students’ performance in the classroom. Initial data will be obtained by counting each student’s absent days from the previous quarter of school. New data will be collected for the number of absent days for the following semester once a student has attended six or more meetings. Differences in absent days will be computed for each student’s semester grading period (New data – Initial data). Similar calculations will be made with students regarding their grade point averages and behavioral referrals.
Limitations of Research Regarding Data Scores
While this portion of the research is more objective, it does have limitations. First, as stated previously, the study is not randomized. All subjects participating in the study are volunteers. However, again, it is believed by the research team that the results are generalizeable since addictive behavior is universal. Second, differences in performance in school relating to absences and grades involve a multitude of variables. For example, a student entering the Teen AA (MPOWRD) program after the first quarter of school may show significantly less absences during the second semester. One may infer that the Teen AA (MPOWRD) program helps motivate their participants to think more positively about school and to attend more often. However, it may be that, in general, all students attend school more often during second semester because of other outside influences (vacation travels during the first quarter, lack of motivation after the summer break, etc.). Such comparisons will have to be considered when making inferences toward the teen population.